SHx Governance Rules
Foundational rules for how SHx governance is conducted. Notes are provided for informational purposes only and are not part of the SHx Governance Rules.
Article I: Fundamental Principles
These Rules establish the governance framework for SHx on the Stellar Network.
This is the foundational document to build trust, increase transparency, and ensure the security of the SHx voting process.
Article II: Definitions
SHx Token: The token created with the ID
on the Public Global Stellar Network. SHx is divisible to 7 decimal places.The SHx Soroban Contract ID is
SHx has been created on the Ethereum network as an ERC-20 compatible token with the address
Total Supply: The total number of SHx tokens existing on the Stellar Network.
Circulating Supply: The total number of SHx tokens released and available for participation in governance. Does not include tokens in designated reserve or locked accounts. Includes SHx released and available on both the Stellar and Ethereum networks.
Active Circulating Supply: Circulating Supply, with balances in inactive accounts excluded. Inactive accounts are those which have not recorded valid transactions to the ledger in the previous 3 years (1095 days) from the calculation date. Active Circulating Supply will be reduced by a vote by the voting power that indicates it is not participating in a vote.
Super-Majority: Requires a 2/3 (66.67%) vote in favor
Simple-Majority: Requires a 50% +1 vote in favor
The SHx Governance Rules: This document, which serves as the supreme governing document for SHx governance.
The Rules: The operational procedures and guidelines established by this document.
Snapshot: A record of token holdings at a specific ledger number used to determine voting power.
Quorum: The minimum participation threshold required for a vote to be valid.
Article III: Governance Structure
Section 1: Proposal Types
Governance Rules Amendment: Any major proposal that amends the established SHx Governance Rules document and requires a super-majority vote (66.67% in favor)
Normal Proposal: Modifications to processes and procedures that require a simple majority (50% +1 in favor)
Section 2: Amendment Powers
Governance Rules Amendments
Require a super-majority vote of 2/3 (66.67%) in favor
Require a minimum Quorum of 25% of the Active Circulating Supply
Must be clearly labeled as Amendments in proposals
Normal Proposals
Require a simple majority vote of 50% + 1 in favor
Require a minimum Quorum of 1% of the Active Circulating Supply
Abstentions are recorded and will count to Quorum. However, they are NOT counted toward the final percentage calculation.
Non-participation will not impact Quorum and will reduce the Active Circulating Supply for that vote.
Section 3: Question Formats
Binary Choice
“For”/“Against” voting options
“Abstain” option available but not counted toward final percentages
Multiple Choice
Three or more distinct options
Highest percentage winner
Abstain option available
Weighted Average
Where votes for a percentage are totaled for a final weighted percentage
Used for budget distribution and similar numerical decisions
Article IV: Proposal Process
Section 1: Proposal Lifecycle
Community Discussion
Initiated in the designated public forum
Open Community Discussion period for community feedback
Time limits to Community Discussion will be determined by the community
Draft Proposal
Formal proposal document created in the public forum
Must follow standard Proposal Template:
Continued Community Discussion and refinement
Preliminary Vote
Preliminary vote to gauge community support in public forum
Requires minimum endorsement voting power threshold equal to 50% + 1 of the Quorum requirement of a Normal Proposal
Must pass endorsement to proceed to formal vote
Governance Vote
Vote leaves public forum and is uploaded into the SHx Voting Tool
Binding votes on the Stellar Network
Clear start and end times defined by ledger numbers
Article V: Voting Mechanics
Section 1: Voting Power
Calculation based on SHx holdings at Snapshot
One token equals one vote
Voting power is calculated as the number of SHx in that account's possession at the vote's designated ledger snapshot. Fractional SHX balances are not counted. For example, an account holding 24,591.9135 SHX in the ledger snapshot will have a voting power of 24,591.
Section 2a: Stellar Voting Process
Voting Requirement
A Manage Data operation must be submitted to the ledger with the source account being the voting account. The last operation that the account submits within the voting window will be taken as the vote cast by the account.
The data entry must be formatted as follows:
=>"SHX::PROP:"<proposal number>
=> comma delimited vote positions, e.g."FOR,40"
('for' the first question, at a 40 value for the second).
Note: Many Stellar/Horizon tool and libraries will base64 encode the ASCII bytes for you for submission: note that some blockchain explorers display the data value as decimal bytes. This will not prevent the counting of votes.
Reference Voting Implementation
The Reference Voting Implementation (hosted at submits a vote to the ledger in the following manner:
A single transaction, having two operations and the memo "SHX PROPOSAL <proposal number> VOTE"
Operation 1:
manageData(name: "SHX::PROP:<proposal number>", value: "<vote positions>")
Operation 2:
manageData(name: "SHX::PROP:<proposal number>", value: "")
The second operation clears the data entry so the account does not incur an ongoing reserve cost. It is not required for the vote to be counted.
The memo on the transaction may be used to store metadata for the voting tool, e.g. analytics.
Vote Management
Voters may change their vote during the voting period by submitting another valid vote to the ledger
An accounts last vote within the voting period recorded overrides all previous votes
No votes accepted before start ledger or after end ledger
Voting Windows
Voting window start and end times will be determined upon Proposal approval
Start ledger number will be determined as the last ledger that ‘closes’ prior to or at the Proposal’s approved voting start time
End ledger number will be determined as the first ledger that ‘closes’ at or after the voting end time
Section 2b: Ethereum Voting Process
Voting on Ethereum is conducted using the Snapshot platform. The SHX governance space can be found at
The operation of the Snapshot space should as closely as possible follow the voting mechanics set forth for the Stellar Voting Process.
Note: SHx Ethereum voting is currently underutilized and so the voting process is not well defined in these Governance Rules. If Ethereum voting usage increases, it is recommended that these Governance Rules be amended as appropriate.
Article VI: Implementation
The SHx Governance Rules Document becomes effective upon receiving a super-majority approval vote from the SHx holdership
All previous governance documents are superseded by the SHx Governance Rules
Article VII: Amendments
Proposals to amend SHx Governance Rules must:
Be approved by the supermajority
Clearly state the text to be modified
Provide rationale for the change
Include implementation timeline
Follow the formal proposal process
Approved amendments become effective:
According to the timeline specified in the proposal
No sooner than 24 hours after vote confirmation
No later than 30 days after vote confirmation
Last updated
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